Wednesday, December 2, 2020

The Art of Regifting

Regift: (verb) To give an unwanted gift to someone else; to give as a gift something one previously received as a gift. Webster's New Millennium™ Dictionary of English, Preview Edition (v 0.9.6).

Never regift the gift for Bridal/Baby Showers, Birthdays, Weddings, and Anniversaries. The month of December is a good time to regift the unwanted gift. I am trying to be careful about how I give regift the gifts for the holiday. 

Here are the tips. What tips and ideas can you offer?
 1. Give TEA 
 2. Give donations: Donation unwanted gifts to any organizations 
 3. Buying no wrapping materials: Recycling existing materials in creative ways to wrap the fabulous presents.
 If you have any suggestions to offer. I’d love to hear them!

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