Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Teddy Bear Drive

Teddy Bear Drive

I want to start a Teddy Bear Drive.  The purpose of this drive will be to pass out cuddly and furry Teddy Bears to victims.  My goal is to give love and comfort through stuffed animals where it can help.  I am sure that many people would appreciate something like this!  Children like to have something they can hold on to that is warm and fuzzy in moments of trouble.  Teddy Bears melt the heart.

If you are interested to help.
If you wouldn’t mind share this to your friends and ask them to cleaning out their houses, closets, storage spaces, or whatever and donating any gently loved teddy bear needing a home (or any other stuffed animal), I would appreciate it.  If they also can go to resale shops, garage sales, a dollar store, flea market, or whatever and purchase gently used ones.

It would be wonderful if we could accumulate a large pile of stuff animals.  Teddy Bear (or any kind of animals) and any size will be accepted for this effort provide temporary comfort to victims.  I would prefer they be at least 12 inches in size so that they are big enough to hug.  Any color is fine.

I would love for all of you to be a part of it.

Please drop off any donations to your local organization(s).

Thank you beary much!

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