Friday, June 3, 2016

Catholic quotes

What is the oldest written record of the Bible? let us begin this answer by stating that there are no original mansuscripts( called autographs) of any books of the Bible; all have been lost or destroyed. All we have are copies. Old copies, but copies nonetheless. Up until the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls in 1947, the oldest Old Testament manuscript was dated from around the year A.D. 900. The Dead Sea Scrolls have been dated from around the time of Christ, give or take 100 years and contain parts from every book of the Hebrew Bible, except Esther.These scrolls include parts of many of the deuterocanonical books (Sirach, 1 & 2 Maccabees , Judith, Wisdom, Tobit and Baruch) as well, all in Hebrew. The oldest New Testament manuscripts are in Greek and date from around AD 350. There are many reasons for the destruction of early manuscripts including the facts that they were written on papyrus or animal parchment which degrade quickly; when pagans invaded a town, they burned the churches and church libraries; and as namuscripts became worn, they were copied and then then worn copy was everently destroyed. God bless. ^j^

 To all my friends...May the Season of Advent fill your hearts with LOVE, JOY and PEACE!
 Advent begins today!
So how do we celebrate the story of Christmas?
For me, celebrating Advent is a big part of telling the story of Christmas.
...See More

This Catholic Holy Day has nothing to do with the "celebrating" Halloween. I know in my heart, Catholics have NOTHING to do with Halloween.
I will make a VLOG about Fact about Catholics. Catholic have nothing to do with Halloween.

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