Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Legend of the Shamrock

Symbol of the Holy Trinity

Legend of the Shamrock

The shamrock is a symbol of the Trinity and the Cross for most Irish-Catholics. This is due to the most famous shamrock legend, starring St. Patrick. The story basically says that he used the shamrock to help the pagan Druid High Priests and their followers comprehend the Holy Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit - All in One Almighty God.

But we know the shamrock was already considered a sacred plant to the Druids long before St. Patrick arrived in Ireland. Perhaps that is why, according to the shamrock legend, he chose this common little clover to illustrate the Trinity concept to them.

The wisdom of St. Patrick's mission was to take ancient pagan Celtic ideas and beliefs and use them to explain the concepts of Christianity in such a way that the Druids and their followers would embrace Christ and the Trinity.

Knowing that it was considered a sacred plant to them already, the shamrock legend says he plucked one right out of the ground he was standing upon. Then he held it up high so everyone could see, and proclaimed,

"Do you not see how in this wildflower three leaves are united on one stalk, and will you then believe that there are indeed three persons and yet one God?"

According to Irish folklore, this effective demonstration secured the approval of the Druid High Priests of St. Patrick's missionary work in Ireland, and even led many of them to convert to Christianity and become Bishops themselves

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