Wednesday, December 11, 2013


The best ways to keep Christ in Christmas
is to keep MASS in Christmas!

"I believe that Christmas is to celebrate the birth of the Son of God who came to live with us on Earth.
I believe that Christmas is the time for us to share Love of God Jesus Christ with people everywhere."

"Take time every day, to read a verse or two on the birth of Jesus. It puts things in perspective. Jesus is the reason for this holiday. Give Him recognition and honor, for HE is THE GIFT we ALL have been waiting for all our lives!"

"Live the Word and save Santa the trip!"
Christmas gift suggestions:
To your enemy - forgiveness;
To that frustrating co-worker - tolerance;
To a friend - your heart;
To a customer - service with a smile;
To someone in need - charity;
To every child - a good example;
To yourself - respect;
To a stranger - the Gospel.
...Have any others to share?

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