Saturday, November 14, 2020

National American Teddy Bear Day

Happy Birthday

November 14 marks National American Teddy Bear Day, when we celebrate the flurry, furry, cute stuffed animals that delight us as children, and continue to hold our hearts when we grow up.

Since 1902, teddy bears have remained an extremely popular gift for children (and sweethearts). A couple of the world;’s most famous teddy bears are Winnie the Pooh and Paddington Bear.

The Teddy Bear Cops program provides the stuffed animals to police, other emergency responders, and firefighters to give kids during crises. Other charities collect donations of new teddy bears to give to children with cancer, patients in the hospital, and other worthy causes.

A teddy bear is a faithful friend,
You can pick him up at either end.
His fur is the colour of breakfast toast,
And he’s always there when you need him most.

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