Wednesday, November 20, 2013

10 Fun Facts about me

10 Fun Facts about me

I was born at the Catholic Hospital. My delivery doctor was Catholic.

I am the first generation in my mother’s side ever born in America.

My parents knew I was born deaf. My Catholic doctor done a good job.

I was born Hip Dysplesia (DDH). Worn hip brace. Did not learn to walk until I was 3 years old. Thanks to my Catholic Bone Doctor and my parents. If not for them, I ended up one leg shorter than other leg and have to wear special shoe. My famous motto is “Walk Tall like a Princess”

Share birthday twin with my brother (1961) and great niece (2009)

I grew up oral and mainstreamed in public schools

Didn’t learn sign language until age of 11

Didn’t learn ASL until community college

I am a Blogger and Vlogger.

Celebrate my 7th birthday on Thanksgiving Day!

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