Friday, November 29, 2013

My Bucket List - 50 Things To Do

As a birthday gift to myself (November 28th) inspired by my friend (name withheld). I decided to write my own 50 Things to Do. I hope to do before I turn 51 in November 2015. 

My Bucket List will start on 28 November 2014 and end on 28 November 2015. I will continue add more list.  Here is the list for my 50 Things to Do.

For myself:
read a mini good book once a month
have a portrait taken by professional
try one new recipe
create postcards to send
write to one friend a month via snail mail. E-mail doesn’t count
make a gift for Callie and Collin and Delaney and Bethany
wear cowboy boot or any boot to Mass every Sundays even in the summer time
Bouffant Hair in 1964 hairstyle for the day and have a picture taken

GirlFriends' Night Out:
host a girl's night out
go out for tea with friend(s)
go on a garden tour – Azaela Trail at Bayou Bend
take a trip to Tyler to enjoy Rose Festival
International Quilt Festival
take florist arrangement class
take painting class 
take photography class
Bluebonnet Sightings
wine festival and stomp grapes
Window shopping at Galleria

ride ferris wheel in Kemah Boardwalk or Downtown Aquarium
horse show
horse racing - Sam Houston Horse Race
go horse back riding
Discovery Green Park
Galveston - Strand Street and Moody Garden
The Waterway Taxi in The Woodlands Town Center -
photograph a sunset... and a sunrise
Spindletop restaurant -
eat something new and unusual – Lobster (I never eat lobster in my life)
Houston Zoo
Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo
Houston International Festival -
Houston Space Center
Houston Astros 
Skeeters Baseball - Sugarland
Mardi Gras in Galveston
Dicksen on the Strand - Galveston
Holiday In the Park Christmas at Six Flag in Arlington
ZipNac -
Rent a tandem bicycle and ride on Bike Trail in Buffalo Bayou Park or on Seawall in Galveston
Ice skating at Galleria
learn how to grill
take pottery class
take country/western dance

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thank you for birthday greeting!

I am so thankful...
to those special people in my life who 
support me,
uplift me,
comfort me
and bring joy
to my soul!

I am currently very thankful for my cup of tea!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

10 Fun Facts about me

10 Fun Facts about me

I was born at the Catholic Hospital. My delivery doctor was Catholic.

I am the first generation in my mother’s side ever born in America.

My parents knew I was born deaf. My Catholic doctor done a good job.

I was born Hip Dysplesia (DDH). Worn hip brace. Did not learn to walk until I was 3 years old. Thanks to my Catholic Bone Doctor and my parents. If not for them, I ended up one leg shorter than other leg and have to wear special shoe. My famous motto is “Walk Tall like a Princess”

Share birthday twin with my brother (1961) and great niece (2009)

I grew up oral and mainstreamed in public schools

Didn’t learn sign language until age of 11

Didn’t learn ASL until community college

I am a Blogger and Vlogger.

Celebrate my 7th birthday on Thanksgiving Day!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Thanksgiving Information

Taken by Martha Stewart's Thanksgiving Trivia via website.

Abraham Lincoln declared Thanksgiving a national holiday in 1863.

It was originally celebrated on the last Thursday of November, until 1939, when President Franklin D. Roosevelt moved Thanksgiving from the fourth Thursday in November to the third to allow for more shopping days between the fall holiday and Christmas. Millions of Americans protested and two years later, Roosevelt restored Thanksgiving to its former date.

The three-hour event is held in New York City. More than 44 million people watch the parade on television each year. NBC has been the official broadcaster of the event since 1955.

In 1924, the annual Thanksgiving parade started by Louis Bamberger in Newark, New Jersey, at the Bamberger's store was transferred to New York by Macy's. There were floats, professional bands, and live animals borrowed from the Central Park Zoo.

In 1621, the Plymouth colonists and Wampanoag Indians shared an autumn harvest feast, which is acknowledged today as one of the first Thanksgiving celebrations in the colonies.

The Intercollegiate Football Association was formed in 1876, and a championship game was instituted on Thanksgiving Day.

Original posted
14 November 2008