Tea Beauty Tips
Try a cup of ginger green tea – it’s a very aromatic and spicy treat.
Rooibos tea is said to help relieve insomnia.
Herbal teas are typically decaffeinated. Some people drink infusions for various medicinal uses.
Been in the sun too long? Run your bath water with several tea bags under the spout. Use oolong, green tea, or jasmine and soak your tender skin in the fragrant water.
Tea can help keep your breath sweet!
Want your feet to smell fresh? Tea is a natural astringent and the tannic acid will help kill bacteria. Soak your feet in black tea for great results.
After you shampoo, rinse your hair with a glass of green tea mixed with some lemon juice. Leave the rinse in for silky, smooth hair.
Help ease the discomfort of an insect bite or razor burn by placing the moist green tea bag over the area. The tea properties will reduce itching and swelling.
The ritual of tea is the perfect complement for your time of prayer and mediation.
Tea comes to the aid of puffy eyes. Boil water and put two black tea bags in. Brew for five minutes, remove the bags, and press out the liquid. Place the bags in the freezer for ten minutes. Lie down and place the cooled tea bags over your eyes for ten to fifteen minutes. The eye area will look refreshed. Warm tea bags can also be used.